Civil War Defenses of Washington
100 Pounder Parrott Carriage on Wooden Platform.jpg
100 Pounder Parrott on Iron Carriage_100.jpg
100 Pounder Parrott on Iron Carriage_69.jpg
15 inch Barbette carriage Centre Pintle Model 1862, 1862_8.jpg
15 inch Barbette Carriage, Front Pintle, As Designed by Capt. J. J. Rodman., 1863_164.jpg
200 pounder gun, Battery Rogers_1.jpg
200 pounder gun, Battery Rogers_2.jpg
200 pounder parrott in iron clad embrasure from sketch of General Barnard.jpg
Arrangement for 15 inch Breech Loading Gun_172.jpg
Arrangement for Centre Pintle, 15 inch Guns_40.jpg
Arrangement for loading 15 inch guns under cover of parapet_107.jpg
Battery on Spur to Right of Bunker Hill, 1863ÂÂ171.jpg
Battery to the right of Fort Slocum_3.jpg
Bed for transporting 15 inch guns._106.jpg
Bed for transporting 15 inch guns._170.jpg
Block House - Two Stories.jpg
Block House Plan and Section_186.jpg
Bomb-Proof Guard-House for Fort Reno_4.jpg
Bombproof Block house - Fort Tillinghast_5.jpg
Bombproof blockhouse on line of stoccade [stockade]ÂÂ118.jpg
Casemate Embrasures and Platforms for Siege or Field Howitzers; and Barbette Embrasures (with log, or gabion revetment for siege, or Field guns)._110.jpg
Casemate Embrasures and Platforms for Siege or Field Howitzers; and Barbette Embrasures (with log, or gabion revetment for siege, or Field guns)._173.jpg
Casemate Embrasures and Platforms for Siege or Field Howitzers; and Barbette Embrasures (with log, or gabion revetment for siege, or Field guns)._174.jpg
Casemate Embrasures and Platforms for Siege or Field Howitzers; and Barbette Embrasures._76.jpg
Casemate Embrasures and Platforms for Siege or Field Howitzers; and Barbette Embrasures._77.jpg
Casemate Embrasures and Platforms for Siege or Field Howitzers; and Barbette Embrasures._78.jpg
Casemate Embrasures and Platforms for Siege or Field Howitzers; and Barbette Embrasures.jpg
Circular brick cistern with filter and pump_51.jpg
Contour Map of Fort Ward, showing positions of Forts, Jackson, Runyon, Albany, Craig, Richardson, Scott, Barnard, Blenker, and Ward_156.jpg
Contour map of the site and vicinity of Fort Sumner_93.jpg
Contour map of the sites and vicinity of Battery Alexander, Forts Sumner, Mansfield,Simmons and batteries Bailey and Benson._94.jpg
Contour map of the sites and vicinity of Fort Ethan Allen, Fort Marcy and Batteries in their vicinity_155.jpg
Contour map of the sites of Fort Alexander, Fort Franklin, and Fort Ripley._62.jpg
Contour map of the sites of Fort Bunker Hill and Fort Saratoga and their vicinity01.jpg
Contour map of the sites of Fort Ethan Allen, Fort Marcy, and Batteries in their vicinity_3.jpg
Contour map of the sites of Fort Whipple (now Fort Meyer) Fort Cass, and to within a short distance of Fort Woodbury_5.jpg
Crest line and sections of Fort BerryÂÂ103.jpg
Crest line and sections of Fort Williams_7.jpg
Crest line and sections of Fort Williams_8.jpg
Crest line of Battery back of Fort DeRussy.ÂÂ202.jpg
Crest line of Battery Smeade_9.jpg
Crest line of Fort Albany, 1866ÂÂ140.jpg
Crest line of Fort CarrollÂÂ164.jpg
Crest line of Fort Craig.ÂÂ203.jpg
Crest line of Fort Gaines.ÂÂ87.jpg
Crest line of Fort Kearny with measurements.ÂÂ79.jpg
Crest line of Fort Mahan with plan and sections of certain salientsÂÂ7.jpg
Crest line of Fort Slocum With dimensions._10.jpg
Crest line of Fort Slocum With positions of gun platforms._11.jpg
Crest line of Fort Stanton, as altered, with dimensions_12.jpg
Crest line of Fort Sumner with dimensions_13.jpg
Crest line of Fort Tillinghast_14.jpg
Crest line of Fort Totten_15.jpg
Crest line of Fort Ward with contours of site_16.jpg
Crest line of Fort Ward with levelings of site_17.jpg
Crest line of Fort Ward, Battery, and rifle pits with contours of site._18.jpg
Crest line of Fort Whipple_19.jpg
Crest line of Fort Whipple_20.jpg
Crest line of Fort Whipple, Cass, and Woodbury showing their relative position with contours of their sites_21.jpg
Crest line of Fort Worth_22.jpg
Crest line of Front Strong_23.jpg
Crest Line of Redoubt Kirby_6.jpg
Crestline of Fort Woodbury_24.jpg
Defense of Anacostia BridgeÂÂ138.jpg
Defense of Aqueduct Road to the left of Battery Alexander_122.jpg
Derrick for mounting 15 - inch guns_75.jpg
Design for Draw Bridge._112.jpg
Design for Draw Bridge._175.jpg
Design for Draw Bridge01.jpg
Design for fence to enclose Battery Rodgers_25.jpg
Detail of gateway at Fort Ward_26.jpg
Details of Magazine - Fort Ethan Allen.ÂÂ197.jpg
Draw Bridge at Fort Albany, South of Potomac, 1866ÂÂ35.jpg
Drawing of unidentified fortification._185.jpg
Drawings, sketches and studies of log casemates with iron clad embrasures for 15-inch and smaller guns_01.jpg
Drawings, sketches and studies of log casemates with iron clad embrasures for 15-inch and smaller guns._111.jpg
Drawings, sketches and studies of log casemates with iron clad embrasures for 15-inch and smaller guns._18.jpg
Drawings, sketches and studies of log casemates with iron clad embrasures for 15-inch and smaller guns._19.jpg
Drawings, sketches and studies of log casemates with iron clad embrasures for 15-inch and smaller guns._80.jpg
Drawings, sketches and studies of log casemates with iron clad embrasures for 15-inch and smaller guns._81.jpg
Drawings, sketches and studies of log casemates with iron clad embrasures for 15-inch and smaller guns.jpg
Drawings, sketches and studies of log casemates with iron clad embrasures for 15-inch and smaller guns9_01.jpg
Drawings, sketches, and studies of Bombproofs and counterscarp galleries_119.jpg
Drawings, sketches, and studies of Bombproofs and counterscarp galleries_179.jpg
Drawings, sketches, and studies of Bombproofs and counterscarp galleries_26.jpg
Drawings, sketches, and studies of Bombproofs and counterscarp galleries_27.jpg
Drawings, sketches, and studies of Bombproofs and counterscarp galleries_84.jpg
Elevation for Fort Reno, 1866_27.jpg
Elevation of gateway at Fort Stevens_28.jpg
Extension of 200 pounder Traverse Circle, Battery Rodgers, 1864_29.jpg
Flag Staff at Fort Circle.ÂÂ27.jpg
Foot Bridge at Fort Reno, 1866_30.jpg
Fort Albany near the intersection of the Columbia Turnpike and Arlington Road (plan and section), 1866ÂÂ70.jpg
Fort Barnard between Hunters Chapel and the Loudon and Hampshire Rail Road, 1866ÂÂ176.jpg
Fort Blenker Near Roches MillÂÂ216.jpg
Fort Bunker Hill - Arrangement for TraverseÂÂ213.jpg
Fort Carroll. Traverse on right of front curtain.ÂÂ168.jpg
Fort CarrollÂÂ134.jpg
Fort Chaplin, with contours of ground.ÂÂ58.jpg
Fort Chaplin.ÂÂ162.jpg
Fort Corcoran - unfinished sketch.ÂÂ130.jpg
Fort DeRussy. Measurement July 1863., 1863ÂÂ157.jpg
Fort Ellsworth on Shuters Hill near Alexandria, VirginiaÂÂ23.jpg
Fort Ethan Allen near Chain Bridge, Fairfax County, VirginiaÂÂ22.jpg
Fort Ethan Allen, 1861ÂÂ51.jpg
Fort Greble proposed alteration.ÂÂ154.jpg
Fort Greble proposed alteration.ÂÂ155.jpg
Fort Greble proposed alteration.ÂÂ195.jpg
Fort Greble.ÂÂ84.jpg
Fort Jackson Tete de Pont at South End of Long BridgeÂÂ136.jpg
Fort Lincoln.ÂÂ11.jpg
Fort Lincoln.ÂÂ114.jpg
Fort Lincoln.ÂÂ12.jpg
Fort Lincoln.ÂÂ148.jpg
Fort Lincoln.ÂÂ149.jpg
Fort Lincoln.ÂÂ188.jpg
Fort Lyon Plans and SectionsÂÂ187.jpg
Fort Lyon Sections of Bomb Proofs and MagazineÂÂ76.jpg
Fort LyonÂÂ10.jpg
Fort LyonÂÂ147.jpg
Fort LyonÂÂ184.jpg
Fort LyonÂÂ8.jpg
Fort MansfieldÂÂ111.jpg
Fort MansfieldÂÂ112.jpg
Fort MansfieldÂÂ39.jpg
Fort Massachusetts (Fort Stevens) Plan, Sections, and Elevations_31.jpg
Fort Reunion at Roches Springs, the Junction of the Alexandria and Columbia Turnpikes_32.jpg
Fort Slocum - Profile of Left Gorge_33.jpg
Fort Slocum with contours of ground in vicinity._34.jpg
Fort Slocum with topography of vicinity._35.jpg
Fort Slocum with topography of vicinity._36.jpg
Fort Slocum with topography of vicinity._37.jpg
Fort Slocum with topography of vicinity._38.jpg
Fort Stanton, Bastionet No. 1_39.jpg
Fort Thayer - Alteration of gun platforms, December 6, 1864_40.jpg
Fort Totten - Section Through Bombproof, 1862_41.jpg
Fort Totten Scarp Revetment_42.jpg
Fort Totten with battery and rifle pits_43.jpg
Fort Willard, 1866ÂÂ192.jpg
Fort Worth near the Theological Seminary, Fairfax County, Virginia_44.jpg
Fortification plan_120.jpg
Front pintle stone platform for 15-inch guns, straight parapet, Log revetment, gun and carriage mounted_163.jpg
Gate at Benning's BridgeÂÂ62.jpg
General Section of Bombproofs to be Built south of the Potomac.jpg
Grand Horizontal Musketry Embrasure with Recesses - brick scarp.jpg
Guard house at entrance - Fort Kearny.ÂÂ117.jpg
Guard house at entrance of Fort Slocum., 1862_45.jpg
Inside View of Gate at Fort Bunker HillÂÂ211.jpg
Interior crest of Forts Ethan Allen, C.F. Smith, Whipple, McPherson, Richardson, Ward, Morton, Farnsworth, Weed, Lyon, O'Rourke, Ellswoth, Worth_46.jpg
Key to drawing of casemated Battery Fort DeRussy.ÂÂ53.jpg
Large Bombproof - Fort Whipple_47.jpg
Lines Between Fort Barnard and Fort Blenker_31.jpg
Lines Between Fort Blenker and Fort Ward.jpg
Lines Between Fort Cass, Fort Tillinghast and Fort Craig_95.jpg
Lines Between Fort De Kalb, Fort Woodbury and Fort Cass_6.jpg
Lines Between Fort Richardson and Fort Barnard_97.jpg
Lines Between Fort Ward and Fort Worth_96.jpg
Lines Between Fort Worth and Hunting Creek.jpg
Lines of Washington - Fort Scott._48.jpg
Lines of Washington - Site of Fort Barnard, Virginia, 1866ÂÂ177.jpg
Lines of Washington, Fort Barnard, Virginia, 1866ÂÂ67.jpg
Location and sections of Stone Magazine at Ethan Allen, 1865ÂÂ198.jpg
Magazine at Fort Greble.ÂÂ153.jpg
Magazine at Fort_23.jpg
Manner of closing Ventilators_115.jpg
Map of Chain Bridge Position_92.jpg
Map of the country between Bladensburg and Fort Dupont showing location of Forts Lincoln,Mahan,Chapein, Meigs, Dupont and Redoubt Rucker_63.jpg
Map of vicinity of Cameron Run, North of Fort Lyon, Showing Blockhouses._2.jpg
Map Showing the Topography of the Country and the Defenses in Front of Alexandria, Virginia with additional topography.jpg
Map Showing the Topography of the Country and the Defenses in Front of Alexandria, Virginia_154.jpg
Map, showing position of Blockhouses at Fairfax Station, Virginia_61.jpg
Modified plan of circular revetment for 15 inch gun at Battery Rodgers, 1864_49.jpg
Modified plan of circular revetment for 200 pounder gun, centre pintle at Battery Rodgers, 1865_50.jpg
New Magazine, Traverse Parapet Etc. For Forts Greble and Carroll_58.jpg
No. 1 Index Map for Sheets Extract of Military Map of N. E. Virginia, Showing Forts and Roads.jpg
No. 10 Topographical map of areas between Fort Slocum, Fort Stevens, and Fort DeRussy_49.jpg
No. 11 Topographical map of area between Battery Morris, Fort Saratoga, Fort Bunker Hill, Fort Slemmer & Fort Totten_74.jpg
No. 12 Topographical map of area between Fort Mahan and Fort Thayer, including Fort Lincoln_48.jpg
No. 13 Fort Weed - Plan, section & armament_73.jpg
No. 14 Fort Ward - Plan & sections.jpg
No. 15 Fort Tillinghast -Plan, sections & armaments._103.jpg
No. 16 Fort Whipple -Plan & sections_102.jpg
No. 17 -Fort C. F. Smith - Plan & sections.jpg
No. 18 Fort Marcy - Plan & sections_12.jpg
No. 19 Fort Ethan Allen -Plan & sections_101.jpg
No. 2 Topographical map of areas between Fort Lyon, Fort O'Rourke, Fort Farnsworth, Fort Willard, and Battery Rodgers_14.jpg
No. 20 Fort Bayard - Plan & sections_47.jpg
No. 21 Battery Reno - Plan & sections of fort and battery.jpg
No. 22 Fort Stevens - Plan & sections_46.jpg
No. 23 Fort Slocum - Plan & sections.jpg
No. 24 Tete Du Pont - Benning's Bridge Plan and Section_11.jpg
No. 25 Fort Foote - Plan & sections_10.jpg
No. 27 Plan and Sections of Block Houses Constructed for the Defense of Hunting Creek Valley_72.jpg
No. 28 Defenses of Richmond - Topographical map showing Richmond and vicinity.jpg
No. 29 Defenses of Washington. Table of Armament of Works South of the Potomac_44.jpg
No. 3 Topographical map of area between Fort Worth, Fort Williams, Theological Seminary, and Fort Ellsworth.jpg
No. 30 Defenses of Washington. Table of Armament of Works North of the Potomac.jpg
No. 4 Topographical map of areas between Fort Ward, Fort Garesche, Fort Reynolds, Fort Barnard, Fort Berry, and Fort Scott_50.jpg
No. 5 Topographical map of areas between Fort Tillinghast, Fort Craig, Fort Richardson, Fort Albany, Fort Runyon & Fort Jackson_105.jpg
No. 6 Topographical map showing areas between Fort C. F. Smith, Fort Strong, Fort Woodbury, Fort Cass, Fort Whipple, Fort Corcoran, Fort Bennett, Fort Haggerty_104.jpg
No. 8 Topographical map of areas between Locks 7 & 5 on Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, Fort Sumner, Batteries Benson, Bailey, Mansfield, Fort Mansfield, Fort Simmons & Fort Bayard.jpg
No. 9 Topographical map of areas between Fort Kearny, Tennallytown, Fort Reno and Battery Smeade_13.jpg
No.26 Battery Rodgers - Plan & sections_45.jpg
North of Potomac, Gate of Fort Reno, 1866_51.jpg
Northern Half of Boschkis Map of the District of Columbia with the Defenses North of the Potomac indicated thereon.jpg
Old Fort Slocum arrangement for Magazines, ect._52.jpg
Old Fort Slocum with study of new arrangement for magazines_53.jpg
Outline of buildings and work on Traitor's Hill, Virginia_55.jpg
Outline plan of Fort and batteries on Kennedy's Hill.ÂÂ43.jpg
Outline plan of Fort Carroll BatteryÂÂ165.jpg
Outline plan of Fort Carroll BatteryÂÂ166.jpg
Outline Plan of Fort McPherson with leveling and contours of site.ÂÂ36.jpg
Outline plan of Fort McPherson with levelingsÂÂ143.jpg
Outline Plan of Fort Ward with sections of magazines_54.jpg
Outline plan showing armament of Fort LyonÂÂ9.jpg
Outline sketch of Fort MortonÂÂ108.jpg
Passage way under parapet for battery between Fort Meig and Fort DupontÂÂ2.jpg
Passage way under parapet for battery between Fort Meig and Fort DupontÂÂ3.jpg
Plan & sections of Fort DeRussy.ÂÂ126.jpg
Plan & sections of Fort DeRussy.ÂÂ158.jpg
Plan & sections of Fort DeRussy.ÂÂ54.jpg
Plan & sections of Fort FranklinÂÂ48.jpg
Plan & sections of Fort Gaines.ÂÂ196.jpg
Plan & sections of Fort Gaines.ÂÂ88.jpg
Plan & sections of Fort Gaines.ÂÂ89.jpg
Plan & sections of Fort Gaines.ÂÂ90.jpg
Plan and section of Battery CarrollÂÂ132.jpg
Plan and Section of Battery Martin ScottÂÂ73.jpg
Plan and Section of Battery Ricketts and Plan and Section of Fort Wagner_57.jpg
Plan and section of Battery Smeade_72.jpg
Plan and Section of Battery Vermont_58.jpg
Plan and section of Fort Blenker, 1863ÂÂ174.jpg
Plan and section of Fort CarrollÂÂ169.jpg
Plan and Section of Fort Meigs and its extensionÂÂ38.jpg
Plan and section of Fort MortonÂÂ107.jpg
Plan and Section of Fort Saratoga_59.jpg
Plan and section of Fort Slemmer._73.jpg
Plan and section of Fort Slocum_74.jpg
Plan and section of Fort Slocum_75.jpg
Plan and section of Fort Strong_76.jpg
Plan and section of Fort Tillinghast_77.jpg
Plan and Section of Fort Willard (Redoubt B)_60.jpg
Plan and Section of Fort Willard and Armament_61.jpg
Plan and section of Fort Williams_78.jpg
Plan and section of Fort Williams_79.jpg
Plan and Section of Fort Woodbury_62.jpg
Plan and section of Fort Worth_80.jpg
Plan and section of front pintle stone platform with straight parapet, breast height of logs. Gun and carriage mounted._9.jpg
Plan and section of front pintle wooden platform for smaller guns, 1866_70.jpg
Plan and Section of Magazine at Battery Ricketts (Fort Ricketts)_63.jpg
Plan and Section of Magazine at Fort Woodbury_64.jpg
Plan and section of magazine, Fort Greble.ÂÂ17.jpg
Plan and section of magazines - Fort CarrollÂÂ167.jpg
Plan and Section of North Magazine - Fort Whipple_65.jpg
Plan and section of Old Fort Slocum_81.jpg
Plan and section of Redoubt Cross - formerly Fort Ripley_82.jpg
Plan and Section of Redoubt Kirby_66.jpg
Plan and Section of South Magazine - Fort Whipple_67.jpg
Plan and section of the fronts of Fort Sumner connecting Redoubts Davis and Kirby._83.jpg
Plan and sections of Battery Garesche.ÂÂ47.jpg
Plan and sections of Battery Garesche.ÂÂ86.jpg
Plan and sections of Battery Jameson.ÂÂ122.jpg
Plan and sections of Battery Jameson.ÂÂ80.jpg
Plan and sections of Battery Kemble.ÂÂ116.jpg
Plan and sections of Battery MorrisÂÂ180.jpg
Plan and sections of Battery MorrisÂÂ71.jpg
Plan and sections of Battery Rossell_84.jpg
Plan and sections of Battery Smeade_85.jpg
Plan and Sections of Block Houses Constructed for the Defense of Hunting Creek Valley_187.jpg
Plan and sections of Bombproof, at Battery Jameson.ÂÂ121.jpg
Plan and Sections of Fort Baker, 1866ÂÂ68.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Bunker HillÂÂ101.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort C. F. Smith_86.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort C. F. Smith_87.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort C. F. Smith_88.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Carroll.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort CarrollÂÂ60.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort CarrollÂÂ61.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Cass.ÂÂ163.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Cass.ÂÂ59.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Chaplin..jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Chaplin.ÂÂ96.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Circle., 1864ÂÂ57.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Circle.ÂÂ131.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Circle.ÂÂ204.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Corcoran & armaments.ÂÂ160.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Corcoran.ÂÂ56.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Corcoran.ÂÂ95.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Craig & armaments.ÂÂ55.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Davis.ÂÂ127.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Davis.ÂÂ159.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Davis.ÂÂ24.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Davis.ÂÂ25.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Dupont.ÂÂ94.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Ellsworth.ÂÂ200.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Ellsworth.ÂÂ201.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Ethan Allen & armament.ÂÂ21.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort FarnsworthÂÂ19.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Greble and Battery.ÂÂ18.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Kearny.ÂÂ120.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Kearny.ÂÂ16.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Kearny.ÂÂ194.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Kearny.ÂÂ44.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Lincoln.ÂÂ189.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Lincoln.ÂÂ41.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Marcy & armament scheduleÂÂ182.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort on Kennedy's Hill.ÂÂ115.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort on Kennedy's Hill.ÂÂ77.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort on Kennedy's Hill.ÂÂ78.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Simmons._89.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Simmons._90.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Snyder_91.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Stanton_92.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Stevens_93.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Stevens_94.jpg
Plan and Sections of Fort Thayer_68.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Totten_95.jpg
Plan and Sections of Fort Ward_69.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Ward_96.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Worth_97.jpg
Plan and sections of Fort Worth_98.jpg
Plan and sections of Guard House at Fort Stevens_99.jpg
Plan and sections of magazine, at Battery Jameson.ÂÂ45.jpg
Plan and Sections of Redoubt Davis_70.jpg
Plan and Sections of South Traverse in Redoubt Davis_71.jpg
Plan and sections of the two fronts of Fort Sumner connecting Redoubts Davis and Cross._100.jpg
Plan and sections of the two fronts of Fort Sumner connecting Redoubts Kirby and Cross._101.jpg
Plan and sections of two of the salients, with contours of ground in front at Fort Stanton_102.jpg
Plan for Military Blockhouse_91.jpg
Plan of 2 story block house (vertical logs)_86.jpg
Plan of a Fortified Corral_28.jpg
Plan of Balustrade for Bomb Proofs, 1864_85.jpg
Plan of Battery Martin Scott, of Chain Bridge Battery and of Batteries opposite Fort SmithÂÂ6.jpg
Plan of Battery Reno, November 1844_103.jpg
Plan of Battery Rossell_104.jpg
Plan of brick magazine, Fort Williams, 1863_119.jpg
Plan of Chain Bridge BatteryÂÂ30.jpg
Plan of Embrasure, with log revetting and platform for siege guns_109.jpg
Plan of Fort Albany showing heights above mean tidal level, 1866ÂÂ69.jpg
Plan of Fort Alexander, 1866.jpg
Plan of Fort Baker, 1862ÂÂ105.jpg
Plan of Fort Baker, 1862ÂÂ139.jpg
Plan of Fort Barnard and the connected batteries, 1866ÂÂ218.jpg
Plan of Fort Bennett from Measurements Taken September 30, 1861, 1861ÂÂ104.jpg
Plan of Fort Blenker with topography of site.ÂÂ102.jpg
Plan of Fort BlenkerÂÂ173.jpg
Plan of Fort Bunker HillÂÂ172.jpg
Plan of Fort CarrollÂÂ133.jpg
Plan of Fort Corcoran.ÂÂ26.jpg
Plan of Fort Craig.ÂÂ128.jpg
Plan of Fort HaggertyÂÂ81.jpg
Plan of Fort Kearny with topography of vicinity.ÂÂ119.jpg
Plan of Fort Lincoln and Battery JamesonÂÂ42.jpg
Plan of Fort Mahan with contours of siteÂÂ145.jpg
Plan of Fort Mahan with contours of siteÂÂ74.jpg
Plan of Fort MahanÂÂ113.jpg
Plan of Fort Marcy near Chain Bridge Fairfax County, Virginia.ÂÂ144.jpg
Plan of Fort McPhersonÂÂ1.jpg
Plan of Fort MeigsÂÂ110.jpg
Plan of Fort on Caton's Farm on Marlboro Road 1861. (Fort Dupont), 1861ÂÂ93.jpg
Plan of Fort on Stone's Farm at fork of Marlboro Roads (Fort Meigs), 1861ÂÂ37.jpg
Plan of Fort Reno, 1866_105.jpg
Plan of Fort Reno, 1866_106.jpg
Plan of Fort Strong_107.jpg
Plan of Fort Tillinghast_108.jpg
Plan of Fort Totten with contours of site and vicinity_109.jpg
Plan of Fort Totten with topography of site and vicinity_110.jpg
Plan of Fort Totten with topography of site and vicinity_111.jpg
Plan of Fort Totten with topography of site and vicinity_112.jpg
Plan of Fort Totten with topography of site and vicinity_113.jpg
Plan of Fort Ward_114.jpg
Plan of Fort Whipple_115.jpg
Plan of Fort Whipple_116.jpg
Plan of Fort Whipple_117.jpg
Plan of Fort Worth, 1865_118.jpg
Plan of fortification showing location of four blockhouses_30.jpg
Plan of Gate (Showing manner of hanging) in passage way through traverse at Fort on Kennedy's Hill.ÂÂ14.jpg
Plan of Guard House Fort Ellsworth.ÂÂ52.jpg
Plan of Guard House Fort Ellsworth.ÂÂ91.jpg
Plan of magazines and implement room Fort Cass.ÂÂ98.jpg
Plan of magazines and implement room Fort Cass.ÂÂ99.jpg
Plan of magazines Fort Strong, 1864_120.jpg
Plan of portion of Fort Greble, with levels.ÂÂ83.jpg
Plan of Shot Bucket for Elongated Shells_16.jpg
Plan of step to facilitate the loading of 200 pounder guns at Battery Rodgers., 1865_121.jpg
Plan of step to facilitate the loading of 200 pounder guns at Battery Rodgers., 1865_122.jpg
Plan of Stone Magazine_117.jpg
Plan of the bastioned front of Fort Baker, 1866ÂÂ178.jpg
Plan Section and Armament of Fort Ward_56.jpg
Plan showing alteration of Fort Stanton_123.jpg
Plan showing crest lines and relative position of Fort Alexander, Battery Alexander, Fort Franklin and Fort Ripley, 1866ÂÂ34.jpg
Plan showing cross section of fortification wall and defense_121.jpg
Plan showing cross section of fortification wall and defense_184.jpg
Plan showing cross section of fortification wall and defense_89.jpg
Plan showing gun platform locations_182.jpg
Plan showing gun platform locations_183.jpg
Plan showing magazines, bomb-proofs, and position of gun platforms at Fort Stanton_124.jpg
Plan showing magazines, bomb-proofs, and position of gun platforms at Fort Stanton_125.jpg
Plan, section and armament of Fort Woodbury_126.jpg
Plan, section, and armament of Fort Scott_127.jpg
Plans & sections of Fort Lyon & armamentsÂÂ185.jpg
Plans & sections of Fort LyonÂÂ146.jpg
Plans & sections of Fort LyonÂÂ186.jpg
Plans and Notes of Gun Platform - Fort Whipple_128.jpg
Plans and sections of Battery Cameron.ÂÂ135.jpg
Plans and Sections of Fort Albany, 1866ÂÂ219.jpg
Plans and Sections of Fort Alexander, 1866ÂÂ179.jpg
Plans and sections of Fort Bayard, 1866ÂÂ33.jpg
Plans and sections of Fort BayardÂÂ32.jpg
Plans and sections of Fort BerryÂÂ175.jpg
Plans and sections of Fort BerryÂÂ66.jpg
Plans and sections of Fort MahanÂÂ75.jpg
Plans of Fort BayardÂÂ217.jpg
Plans of fortifications between Fort Reno and Battery Reno, January 1866_129.jpg
Plans, sections & elevation of Battery Jameson., 1863ÂÂ46.jpg
Portion of a map showing Fort Alexander, Fort Ripley, Fort Franklin, Battery Benson, Battery Bailey, Fort Mansfield, and associated Batteries._158.jpg
Position of Block Houses at Fairfax Court HouseÂÂ50.jpg
Position of block houses at Vienna_130.jpg
Project of Fort on Traitor's Hill_131.jpg
Project of Fort on Traitor's Hill_132.jpg
Proposed arrangement of rack and pinions for elevating or pressing the 15 inch gun_52.jpg
Proposed arrangement of rack and pinions for elevating or pressing the 15 inch gun_53.jpg
Proposed Arrangement of Screws as Substitutes for the Eccentric Gear on the 15 inch Gun Carriage, 1864_54.jpg
Proposed barracks for Fort Strong_133.jpg
Proposed counterscarp gallery at Fort Lincoln.ÂÂ13.jpg
Proposed Modification of the Top Carriage of the 15 inch Gun for the Purpose of Diminishing the Friction of the Trunions_171.jpg
Proposed Tete de Pont End of Long Bridge, Virginia SideÂÂ29.jpg
R. P. Parrot's Center Pintle 100 Pounder Carriage and Chasses, West Point Foundry., 1862_38.jpg
R. P. Parrott's 200 Pounder Cannon With Carriage and Chassis_36.jpg
R. P. Parrott's 200 Pounder Cannon With Carriage and Chassis, 1862_160.jpg
R. P. Parrott's 8 Inch Casemate Carriage and Chassis, 1863_35.jpg
R. P. Parrott's 8 Inch Rifled Cannon Front Pintle Carriage and Chassis, 1863_159.jpg
R. P. Parrotts Center Pintle 100 Pounder Carriage and Chassis, 1862_162.jpg
R. P. Parrotts Centre Pintle 200 pounder. Carriage and Chassis, Gun Mounted_161.jpg
R.P. Parrotts 100 pounder Center Pintel chassis.jpg
Redoubt A - Fort Lyon (Fort Weed)_134.jpg
Redoubt B of Fort LyonÂÂ49.jpg
Redoubt Cross (Fort Sumner) - formerly Fort Ripley_135.jpg
Redoubt Cross (Fort Sumner) - formerly Fort Ripley_136.jpg
Redoubt Cross (Fort Sumner) - formerly Fort Ripley_137.jpg
Redoubt Cross (Fort Sumner) - formerly Fort Ripley_138.jpg
Redoubt Cross (Fort Sumner) - formerly Fort Ripley_139.jpg
Redoubt near Fort Stanton_143.jpg
Redoubt No. 1 (Fort Strong) of the line of defenses in front of Arlington., October 3, 1861_140.jpg
Redoubt No. 2 (Fort Woodbury) of the Line of Defenses in Front of Arlington_141.jpg
Redoubt No. 4 (Fort Tillinghast) of the line of defenses in front of Arlington_142.jpg
Redoubt No. 5 (Fort Craig)ÂÂ129.jpg
Redoubte [Redoubt] No. 3 (Fort Ramsay) of the line of Defenses in front of Arlington., 1861ÂÂ28.jpg
Reduced copies of Sheet 31 (Plans of Fort Bunker Hill).jpg
Reduced copies of Sheet 31 (Plans of Fort Bunker Hill)ÂÂ64.jpg
Reduced copies of Sheet 31 (Plans of Fort Bunker Hill)ÂÂ65.jpg
Rifle Pit of Brent's HillÂÂ215.jpg
Roof of Block House on Aqueduct Road to the Left of Battery Alexander_90.jpg
Section (A - B) of Bombproof Fort Ethan Allen.ÂÂ123.jpg
Section of Bomb Proof and Traverse - Fort Slocum., 1862_144.jpg
Section of Bombproof Block House_60.jpg
Section of Bombproof, Traverse Parapet, Ect._180.jpg
Section of Bombproof, Traverse Parapet, etc. For Forts Greble, Carroll and Stanton.jpg
Section of Centre pintle stone platforms with circular parapet. Breast height of log. Gun & carriage mounted._39.jpg
Section of Counterscarp gallery, Showing Loophole for Infantry_59.jpg
Section of covered way between Forts Thayer and Lincoln, June 21, 1863_146.jpg
Section of magazine entrance - Fort Greble and Carroll.ÂÂ152.jpg
Section of Magazine to right of gateway at Fort Ethan Allen.ÂÂ156.jpg
Section of Magazine, Traverse Parapet, ect._56.jpg
Section of magazines at Forts Mahan, Meigs, Dupont, Davis, Baker, Stanton & Snyder_83.jpg
Section of passage way through traverse parapet - Forts Greble, Carroll and Stanton.ÂÂ151.jpg
Section of proposed covered way between Fort Meigs and its extensionÂÂ4.jpg
Section of proposed double covered way between Fort Meigs and Battery between Meigs and DupontÂÂ72.jpg
Section of Stone magazine of Fort Stanton_145.jpg
Section of Stone Magazine, with Brick Arches_177.jpg
Sections Fort Ellsworth.ÂÂ92.jpg
Sections of Battery Garesche.ÂÂ85.jpg
Sections of bombproof & magazine of Fort Lyon, 1865ÂÂ40.jpg
Sections of bombproofs and magazines at Fort Ward, March 1864_148.jpg
Sections of Fort Slocum_147.jpg
Sections of magazine at Battery Rodgers showing storage of powder._149.jpg
Sections of magazine at Battery Rodgers., 1865_150.jpg
Sheet 1. Tabular Statement of Forts Surrounding Washington, D.C._167.jpg
Sheet 3. Tabular Statement of Forts Surrounding Washington, D.C._166.jpg
Sheet 4. Armament of Forts and Batteries, [Defenses] of Washington North of Potomac., 1865_43.jpg
Sheet 5. Tabular Statement of Forts Surrounding Washington, D.C., 1862_71.jpg
Sheet 6. Tabular Statement of Forts Surrounding Washington, D.C._42.jpg
Sheet 7. Sketches of Forts Surrounding, Washington, D.C._165.jpg
Sheet 8. Armament of Forts and Batteries, [Defenses] of Washington South of Potomac._41.jpg
Sketch and table, showing angles from ends of base lines to points on crest line (Fort Albany), 1866ÂÂ141.jpg
Sketch of a Fougasse_169.jpg
Sketch of block house with Stockade Bastions, four blockhouses within stockade and block house with Redan Stockade_88.jpg
Sketch of Entrance of Fort MeigsÂÂ109.jpg
Sketch of Fort BayardÂÂ31.jpg
Sketch of Fort Bunker Hill Battery.jpg
Sketch of Fort Bunker Hill BatteryÂÂ100.jpg
Sketch of Fort Kearny - Plan.ÂÂ15.jpg
Sketch of Fort Kearny - Plan.ÂÂ150.jpg
Sketch of Fort Meigs and its extensionÂÂ5.jpg
Sketch of Fort Meigs with contours of siteÂÂ181.jpg
Sketch of fortification_181.jpg
Sketch of fortification_29.jpg
Sketch of fortification_87.jpg
Sketch of fortified poly-gon of 12 sides_151.jpg
Sketch of gateway - Fort Whipple_152.jpg
Sketch of magazine_001.jpg
Sketch of magazine_01.jpg
Sketch of magazine._1.jpg
Sketch of magazine._116.jpg
Sketch of magazine._118.jpg
Sketch of magazine._178.jpg
Sketch of magazine._55.jpg
Sketch of magazine4_01.jpg
Sketch of one of the salients of Fort Greble.ÂÂ82.jpg
Sketch of ponton of Battery Cameron.ÂÂ207.jpg
Sketch of proposed alteration of Fort Mahan, 1864ÂÂ183.jpg
Sketch of Redoubt D at Fort LyonÂÂ190.jpg
Sketch of Tete de pont for Navy Yard Bridge.jpg
Sketch of Tete de pont for Navy Yard BridgeÂÂ170.jpg
Sketch related to magazine._20.jpg
Sketch showing buildings and outline of proposed defenses on Cooper's Hill.ÂÂ161.jpg
Sketch showing crest line and positions for guns, in battery proposed for Big Chestnut Hill.ÂÂ97.jpg
Sketch showing elevation of chasis rail at Battery Cameron.ÂÂ208.jpg
Sketch showing position of Forts Saratoga and Thayer with contours of ground in their vicinity._153.jpg
Sketch showing settlement of fun platforms at Battery Kemble.ÂÂ193.jpg
Sketch showing several methods proposed for mounting in Battery 200 pounder Parrotts._15.jpg
Sketch showing the armament of Fort Ethan Allen., 1862ÂÂ125.jpg
Sketch showing the proposed method of defending the bridge at Little Falls, 1861ÂÂ137.jpg
Sketch, showing the defenses of Dodge's Hill, from Fort Lincoln to Eastern Branch., 1863ÂÂ191.jpg
Sketches of emplacements for 100 pounder at Fort Totten_154.jpg
Sketches of emplacements for 100 pounder at Fort Totten_155.jpg
Sketches of emplacements for 100 pounder at Fort Totten_156.jpg
Sketches of magazine._176.jpg
Sketches of magazine._57.jpg
Sketches of magazines_24.jpg
Sketches of magazines._113.jpg
Sketches of magazines._22.jpg
Sketches of magazines._25.jpg
Sketches of magazines._82.jpg
Sketches of Rifle Pits Connecting Forts Between Potomac & Fort Richardson, 1862_157.jpg
Sketches of various unidentified fortifications_157.jpg
Sketches of wrought Iron Turret for two 15 inch guns_17.jpg
Sketches of wrought Iron Turret for two 15 inch guns_79.jpg
Sketches related to magazines and gun emplacements_114.jpg
Sketches related to magazines and gun emplacements_21.jpg
South Magazine - Fort Whipple_158.jpg
South Magazine - Fort Whipple_159.jpg
Stone magazine at Fort Ethan Allen, 1865ÂÂ124.jpg
Stone magazine at Fort Ethan Allen, 1865ÂÂ199.jpg
Stone magazine at Fort Ethan AllenÂÂ20.jpg
Study of magazines and bombproofs, Fort Stanton_160.jpg
Survey of Rifle Pit, Etc., Between Forts Ward and Garesche, with Rough Sketches of Contour, 1864_4.jpg
Tabular statement of armament of Forts and Batteries and vacant platforms in defenses North of the Potomac_161.jpg
Target in River, Hit by Shot from pounder, Charge 43 pounds_108.jpg
Tete de pont for Benning's BridgeÂÂ209.jpg
Tete de pont for Benning's BridgeÂÂ63.jpg
The Line Between Bladensburg Road & Fort Slemmer_67.jpg
The Line Between Broad Branch and Rock Creek Showing Battery Smeade, Fort DeRussy, and Battery Kingsburry_99.jpg
The Line Between Fort Bunker Hill & Saratoga_66.jpg
The Line Between Fort Dupont and Fort Meigs Extension_98.jpg
The Line Between Fort Saratoga and Thayer, Containing Fort Saratoga, Battery Morris, and Fort Thayer_65.jpg
The Line Between Fort Slemmer & Fort Bunker Hill_32.jpg
The Line Between Fort Slocum & Bladenburg Road_33.jpg
The line between Fort Sumner and Powder Mill Branch, showing Battery Alexander, Fort Sumner, and Battery Benson_34.jpg
The Line Between Fort Thayer and Fort Lincoln_64.jpg
The Line Between Forts Stevens & Slocum_7.jpg
The Line between Powder Mill Branch and the River Road, showing Battery Bailey, Battery Mansfield, Fort Mansfield, Battery Simmons, Fort Simmons, and Fort Bayard.jpg
The line between the River Road and Broad Branch, showing Fort Reno, Battery Reno, Battery Rossell, Fort Kearny and Battery Terrill_68.jpg
Topo map between Locks 7 & 5 on Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, Fort Sumner, Batteries Benson, Bailey, Mansfield, Fort Mansfield, Fort Simmons & Fort Bayard._168.jpg
Transverse Section, magazine at Battery Rodgers._162.jpg
Unfinished pencil plan of Fort Stanton_166.jpg
Unfinished pencil plan of Fort Stanton_167.jpg
Unfinished Sketch of Fort Stevens_163.jpg
Unfinished Sketch of Fort Stevens_164.jpg
Unfinished Sketch of Fort Stevens_165.jpg
Unfinished topographical sketch of site of Fort Slocum_168.jpg
Wooden platform, centre Pintle - for Parrotts 100 pounder Rifle - Gun and carriage mounted_37.jpg
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