Free Civil War Diaries and Personal Narratives.  No other chapter of American history has been so voluminously recorded as the American Civil War. Even today, more than 130 years after General Robert E. Lee and the remnant of his loyal, starving army bowed to inevitable defeat at Appomattox, the Civil War continues to fascinate people the world over. What draws us to that terrible conflict is not the struggle over slavery or states' rights, but the human drama it unfolds. The real war was experienced every day by those who fought it and by their families at home. The personal source materials for this conflict include letters, diaries, autobiographies, memoirs, and reports published in books that number into the thousands. Today, more than a century later, thanks to these published letters, memoirs, and documents, we can experience the conflict first hand through the words left us by those who lived through it and by some who died in it. This massive array of materials is invaluable to researchers, Civil War scholars, and others interested in this period of American history. Every war generates a large number of official documents, and the Civil War is no exception. In fact, it prompted many more documents than previous American wars. The Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, for example, runs to 70 volumes in 127 parts plus general index and atlas. A great number of documents in this series reveal personal accounts of the combatants, often written just after the event. There are also numerous collections of Civil War letters and diaries, many written by prominent officers, men of considerable literacy, who were quite conscious of the historical importance of the conflict. Almost every general seems to have published his "Memoirs" of the events. We have collected, and continue to collect, Civil War Diaries and Personal Narratives from across the web.

** Please Note: All the diaries are freely available. No share requests are needed. Some files are quite large and GoogleDrive will say the file couldn’t be scanned for viruses. They mean the file is too large to scan while downloading. The files have already been scanned on their end.

1863 Civil War Diary of Cornelius Byington.pdf

A brief sketch of the first Monitor and its inventor- a paper read before the Buffalo historical society, January 5, 1874 (1874).pdf

A Cavalry Dash - Experience of a Detachment of the 1st Ohio Cavalry.pdf

A Comprehensive Sketch of the Battle of Manassas or Second Bull Run, 1886.pdf

A Comprehensive sketch of the Merrimac and Monitor naval battle.pdf

A Confederate Sergeant's Adventures, 1910-1911.pdf

A Dash for Freedom - How a Party of Salisbury Prisoners effected their escape.pdf

A Deed of Daring - The True Story of the Capture of a Rebel Railway Train.pdf

A Diary -The Eighty-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the War, 1862-1865.pdf

A diary of the 30th Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers .pdf

A Diary Of The War- What I Saw Of It. By William S. White.pdf

A diary with reminiscences of the war and refugee life in the Shenandoah valley, 1860-1865.pdf

A Far-West Fight - Graphic Sketch of a Campaign Beyond the Mississippi.pdf

A Fighting Regiment's First Battle - A Colonel’s recollections of the Burnside Expedition and capture of Roanoke Island.pdf

A Fire Zouave - Memoirs of a member of the Excelsior Brigade, by Frank Moran, Captain, 73rd New York.pdf

A Freedmen's Bureau Diary.pdf

A Gettysburg Diary - Carroll’s Brigade and the part it played in repulsing the Tigers.pdf

A Graphic Story of the Bombardment of Fort Fisher from an Inside Witness, The daily dispatch., January 09, 1865, Image 1.pdf

A History of Prison Life in Libby - By Captain John W. Chamberlin, Co. A, 123rd Regiment, O.V.I.pdf

A journal of hospital life in the Confederate army of Tennessee .pdf

A Lost History - Experiences of Company A, 2nd Cal. Cavalry., Not Recorded Officially.pdf

A Prisoner at Camp Ford - Life and incidents at that Texas Prison.pdf

A Prisoner of War - A Veteran Illinois Soldier in Andersonville.pdf

A Scout's Adventures - Making preparations for the famous McCook Raid.pdf

A Scout's Adventures -- Escape from the Prison Pen at Florence, South Carolina.pdf

A Sketch Of The Battle Of Franklin, Tenn.pdf

A soldier's diary; the story of a volunteer, 1862-1865.pdf

A. J. Thompson Civil War diary.pdf

A. Thompson.pdf

A.H. Lewis diary - written between December 15, 1861 and March 19, 1862.pdf

A.J. McRoberts papers.pdf

A&IGO - Orders and Letters of Brig. Gen. G.J. Pillow, Commanding the Conscription Bureau, Army of the Tennessee, 1863, 1863 - 1863.pdf

Aaron S. Oberly.pdf

Aaron Lee - From the Atlantic to the Pacific.pdf

Aaron Pugh letters, 1863-1864.pdf

Abbie M. Brooks Diary (Transcript).pdf

Abbie M. Brooks.pdf

Abbot, Willis J. Battle-fields of '61; a narrative of the military operations of the war for the Union(1889).pdf

Abbot, Willis J. Battlefields and Campfires- A Narrative of the Principal Military Operations of the Civil War, 1890.pdf

Abbot, Willlis J. Battle-fields and victory; a narrative of the principle military operations of the Civil War(1891).pdf

Abbott, John S. The life of General Ulysses S. Grant. Containing a brief but faithful narrative of those military and diplomatic achievements... (1868).pdf

Abbott, Lemuel. Personal Recollections and Civil War Diary, 1908.pdf

Abercrombie, Aycock, Hale, and Hawk family papers.pdf

Abram Rinker.pdf

Absalom Joshua Burum.pdf

Account of the Battle of Bull Run, 1861.pdf

Adair, John M. Historical sketch of the Forty-Fifth Illinois Regiment with a complete list of the officers and privates and an individual record of each man in the regiment (1869).pdf

Adam H. Pickel – Transcription by Jennie Erikson.pdf

Adam H. Pickel diary, 1862-1863.pdf

Adam K. Brown papers.pdf

Adams, F. Colburn. High old salts - Letters on the efficiency of the navy and some naval operations of the civil war. A criticism of Admiral Porter (1876).pdf

Adams, James. Reminiscences - 26th Regiment North Carolina Infantry, by Lieut. Col. James T. Adams, n.d..pdf

Adams, John G. B. Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts regiment (1899).pdf

Addeman, Joshua M. Reminiscences of two years with the colored troops (1880).pdf

Addie Tripp.pdf

Addison Bell Diary.pdf

Addison S. Boyce Papers, 1864.pdf

Against the Tide at Shiloh - Reminiscences of an Illinois boy in the Western Army..pdf

Albert Arndt.pdf

Albert Cross.pdf

Albert S. Underwood Diary, 1864 [transcript].pdf

Albert S. Underwood Diary, 1864.pdf

Albright, Mrs. James W. Reminiscences - Mrs. James W. Albright, n.d..pdf

Alden, Carroll S. George Hamilton Perkins, U.S.N.- His Life and Letters, 1914.pdf

Alexander Brown papers.pdf

Alexander E. Steen, Papers, 1861-1862.pdf

Alexander S. Millard.pdf

Alexander, E.P. Military Memoirs of a Confederate- A Critical Narrative, 1907.pdf

Alfred D. Morgan Diary - 1865.pdf

Alfred D. Morgan Diary - Sep. to Nov. 1864.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder – Correspondence, January-June 1862.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder – Correspondence, April-July 1863.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder – Correspondence, August-December 1862.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder – Correspondence, January-July 1863.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder – Correspondence, January-March 1863.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder – Correspondence, July-December 1862.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder – Correspondence, Miscellaneous, 1861-1864.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder – Correspondence, November 1861-March 1862.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder – Correspondence, September-December 1861.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder – Letterbooks of Ryder Civil War letters Vol 1.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder – Letterbooks of Ryder Civil War letters Vol 2.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder – Letterbooks of Ryder Civil War letters Vol 3.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder –Transcripts of Civil War letters, 1861-1864.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder –Transcripts of Civil War letters, 1862-1863.pdf

Alfred G. Ryder –Transcripts of Civil War letters, 1862-1864.pdf

Alfred Moore.pdf

Alfred Noble – Diaries, 1863.pdf

Alfred Noble – Diaries, 1864.pdf

Alfred Noble – Diaries, 1865.pdf

Alfred Noble – Diaries, Transcript, 1863.pdf

Alice Williamson Diary.pdf

Allan, Elizabeth Preston. The Life and Letters of Margaret Junkin Preston, 1903.pdf

Allen D. Candler, 1834-1910. Papers.pdf

Allen, Thomas, ed. Sketches of War History 1861-65, Papers prepared for the Commandery of the state of Ohio, Vol. 2, (1908).pdf

Allen, Thomas, ed. Sketches of War History 1861-65, Papers prepared for the Commandery of the state of Ohio, Vol. 6, (1908).pdf

Almon Hodges Civil_War diary 1862_Sept to 1863_June.pdf

Alonzo B. Lothrop.pdf

Alonzo C. Ide diary, 1864, United States Civil War.pdf

Alonzo Miller Civil War papers.pdf

Alpheus Shreve Badger.pdf

Alphonso Covey - Correspondence Jan -Nov 1864.pdf

Alva Griest.pdf

Amos Guthrie diary, 1864.pdf

Amos W. Abbott – Letters.pdf

Amos W. Avery.pdf

An Historical Sketch of the 162nd Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry (3rd Metropolitan Guard) 19th Army Corps, 1862-1865, 1867.pdf

Anderson, Edward. Camp fire stories - a series of sketches of the Union army in the Southwest (1900).pdf

Anderson, Ephraim McD. Memoirs Historical and Personal; Including the Campaigns of the First Missouri Confederate Brigade, 1868.pdf

Anderson, Thomas J. Life and letters of Judge Thomas J. Anderson and wife, including a few letters from children and others, mostly written during the Civil War (1904).pdf

Andersonville The Story of a Civil War Prison Camp.pdf

Andrew Donaldson Stewart.pdf

Andrew E. Arneson Diary, 1865.pdf

Andrew F. Davis diary, 1861-1862.pdf

Andrew F. Davis papers, 1862.pdf

Andrew F. Davis papers, January-October 1863.pdf

Andrew F. Davis papers, May-December 1861.pdf

Andrew J. P. Giddings Diary and Ledger of Income and Expenses (1863-1865).pdf

Andrew Jackson Cobb.pdf

Andrew Jackson Smith.pdf

Andrews, Andrew Jackson. A sketch of the boyhood days of Andrew J. Andrews, of Gloucester County, Virginia, and his experience as a soldier in the late war between the states (1905).pdf

Andrews, Welburn. Sketch of Co. K, 23rd South Carolina Volunteers, 1909.pdf

Anna Hasell Thomas Diary, July 1864 - May 1865.pdf

Anne Fannie Gorham diary.pdf

Anonymous Gettysburg Campaign Reminiscence.pdf

Anson R. Butler letters, 1861-1900.pdf

Applegate, John Stilwell. Reminiscences and letters of George Arrowsmith of New Jersey (1893).pdf

Aquilla StandifirdÂ’s Civil War Journal.pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary part I (Sept 1861-Dec 30th 1861).pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part II (Feb-March).pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part III (March 1862 - May 1862) Pittsburg Landing, Shiloh, Corinth.pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part III (March 1862 - May 1862).pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part IV (June 1862 - Aug 1862).pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part IX (Sept 1863-Dec 1863).pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part V (Sept 1862 - Nov-1862).pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part VI (Dec 1862 - Feb-1863).pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part VII (March 1863-May 1863).pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part VIII (June 1863-August 1863).pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part X (Dec 1863 - Feb-1864).pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part XI (March (1864)- May (1864).pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part XII (June (1864)- August (1864).pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part XIII (Sept. (1864)- Nov.(1864).pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part XIV (Dec. (1864)- Feb.(1865).pdf

Arminius Bill - Civil War Diary Part XV (March (1865) until close).pdf

Armstrong, Nelson. Nuggets of experience ; narratives of the sixties and other days, with graphic descriptions of thrilling personal adventures (1906).pdf

Arnold, Isaac Newton. Sketch of the life of Abraham Lincoln - compiled in most part from the History of Abraham Lincoln, and the overthrow of slavery (1869).pdf

Arthur Tappan Strong diary, January 1 to March 9, 1862.pdf

Asbury L. Stephens.pdf

Ashby, Thomas A. The Valley Campaigns, Being the Reminiscences of a Non-Combatant, 1914.pdf

Aubery, C.B. Twenty-five years on the streets of Milwaukee after dark.pdf

Auchmuty, Richard Tylden. Letters of Richard Tylden Auchmuty, Fifth Corps, Army of the Potomac. ([189--]).pdf

August Forsberg Memoir Transcription.pdf

Augustin, J. A. War flowers, reminiscences of four years' campaigning. Respectfully dedicated to the ladies of New Orleans (c1865]).pdf

Augustus L. Yenner diary, 1863,.pdf

Austin, J. P. The Blue and the Gray. Sketches of a Portion of the Unwritten History of the Great American Civil War, 1899..pdf

Avary, Myrta Lockett. Recollections of Alexander H. Stephens; his diary kept when a prisoner at Fort Warren, Boston Harbour, 1865; giving incidents and reflections of his prison life (1910.pdf

Bacon, Georgeanna Muirson Woolsey. Letters of a family during the war for the Union. 1861-1865, Vol. 1, (1899).pdf

Bacon, Georgeanna Muirson Woolsey. Letters of a family during the war for the Union. 1861-1865, Vol. 2, (1899).pdf

Badeau, Adam. Grant in peace. From Appomattox to Mount McGregor. A personal memoir (1887).pdf

Bailey, George W. A private chapter of the war (1861-5) (1880).pdf

Baird family papers - Correspondence, 1861-1862.pdf

Baird family papers - Correspondence, 1863 January-June.pdf

Baird family papers - Correspondence, 1863 July-December.pdf

Baird family papers - Correspondence, 1864 and undated.pdf

Barber, J. War letters of a disbanded volunteer- embracing his experiences as honest old Abe's bosom friend and unofficial adviser (1864).pdf

Barber, Lucius. Army Memoirs of Lucius W. Barber, Company D, 15th Illinois Infantry, 1894.pdf

Bardeen, C.W. A Little Fifer's War Diary, 1910.pdf

Barnes, James A. The Eighty-Sixth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry. A Narrative of Its Service in the Civil War of 1861-1865, 1895.pdf

Barnet, James. Biographical sketch of Major William H. Medill (1864).pdf

Barnet, James. The martyrs and heroes of Illinois in the great rebellion. Biographical sketches (1865).pdf

Barney, Chester. Recollections of Field Service with the Twentieth Iowa Infantry Volunteers 1865..pdf

Barrett, Orvey S. Reminiscences, incidents, battles, marches and camp life of the old 4th Michigan Infantry in War of Rebellion, 1861 to 1864 (1888).pdf

Barry, Joseph. The Annals of Harper's Ferry - With Sketches of Its Founder, and Many Prominent Characers ... (1872).pdf

Barth Family, Papers, 1852-1907.pdf

Bartlett, John. Memoirs of Rhode Island officers who were engaged in the service of their country during the great rebellion of the South. Illustrated with thirty-four portraits (1867).pdf

Barton, George. Angels of the battlefield - a history of the labors of the Catholic sisterhoods in the late Civil War, 1898 (2).pdf

Basil H. Messler.pdf

Batten, John. Reminiscences of Two Years in the United States Navy (1881).pdf

Battle of Pittsburg Landing- Volunteers of Ohio. Remarks of John Sherman, of Ohio in the Senate of the United States, May 9, 1862.pdf

Battle of the Crater - First person narrative from a soldier of Company A, Sixteenth Virginia Infantry, Petersburg, July 30, 1864..pdf

Battle, Kemp. Reminiscences - The Chatham Railroad Company, nd.pdf

Battle, Laura Elizabeth.pdf

Battles and sketches of the Army of Tennessee.pdf

Baylies, Francis. A narrative of Major General Wool's campaign in Mexico, in the years 1846, 1847, and 1848 (1851).pdf

Baylies, Francis. A narrative of Major General Wool's campaign in Mexico, in the years 1846, 1847, and 1848 (1852).pdf

Beale, Howard K. ed. The Diary of Edward Bates, 1859-1866, 1933.pdf

Bean family letters, 1862-1863.pdf

Bearss, Edwin C. Protecting Sherman's Lifeline- The Battles of Brices Cross Roads and Tupelo 1864.pdf

Beatty, John. The Citizen Soldier or Memoirs of a Volunteer, 1879.pdf

Beck, Stephen C. A true sketch of his army life (1914).pdf

Beecher, Herbert W. History of the First Light Battery Connecticut Volunteers, 1861-1865. Personal records and reminiscences. Vol. 1, (1901).pdf

Beecher, Herbert W. History of the First Light Battery Connecticut Volunteers, 1861-1865. Personal records and reminiscences. Vol. 2, (1901).pdf

Beidelman family papers.pdf

Belknap, George E. ed., Letters of Capt. Geo. Hamilton Perkins, 1886..pdf

Belmont, August. A few letters and speeches of the late Civil War (1870).pdf

Benedict, George Grenville. Army life in Virginia.pdf

Benedict, George Grenville. Vermont at Gettysburgh. A sketch of the part taken by the Vermont troops, in the battle of Gettysburgh (1870).pdf

Benham, Henry Washington. Recollections of West Virginia campaign, with The three months troops, May, June, and July 1861 (1873).pdf

Benjamin Benner.pdf

Benjamin D. Pritchard on the capture of Jefferson Davis.pdf

Benjamin F. White Diary, 1861.pdf

Benjamin Henry Pope.pdf

Benjamin T. Hunter, 1861 (tranbscription).pdf

Benjamin T. Hunter, 1861.pdf

Benjamin T. Strong's biography 1913.pdf

Benjamin Whitcomb.pdf

Bennett, Charles. Historical Sketches of the Ninth Michigan Infantry with an account of the Battle of Murfreesboro,1913.pdf

Bennett, William. A narrative of the great revival which prevailed in the southern armies during the late civil war between the states of the federal union (1877).pdf

Berry Benson diary 1861-1865.pdf

Berry, Chester. Loss of the Sultana and Reminiscences of Survivors, 1892.pdf

Betty Herndon Maury Maury.pdf

Biddle, Ellen McGowan. Reminiscences of a soldier's wife (1907).pdf

Bill Arp from the Uncivil War to Date.pdf

Bill, Ledyard. Pen Pictures of the War - Lyrics, Incidents and Sketches of the Rebellion, 1864.pdf

Biographical Sketch of the Late Gen. B.J. Sweet- History of Camp Douglas. A Paper Read Before ... (1878).pdf

Biographical sketches and pictures of Company B, Confederate veterans of Nashville, Tenn (1902).pdf

Bircher, William. A Drummer-Boys Diary, comprising four years of service with the 2nd regiment Minnesota Veteran Volunteers, 1889.pdf

Birdsong, James C. Brief sketches of the North Carolina state troops in the war between the states, 1893.pdf

Birkimer, William. Historical sketch of the organization, administration, mateĚriel and tactics of the artillery, United States Army (1884).pdf

Bishop, Judson. The Story of a Regiment.pdf

Blackburn, J.K. Reminiscences of the Terry Rangers, 1919.pdf

Blackwood, Emma Jerome, ed. To Mexico With Scott- Letters of Captain E. Kirby Smith to His Wife., 1817.pdf

Blakeman, A. Noel. Personal Recollections of the War of the Rebellion- Address before Commandery of New York, First Series, 1907.pdf

Blakeman, A. Noel. Personal Recollections of the War of the Rebellion- Address before Commandery of New York, Fourth Series, 1907.pdf

Blakeman, A. Noel. Personal Recollections of the War of the Rebellion- Address before Commandery of New York, Second Series, 1907.pdf

Blakeman, A. Noel. Personal Recollections of the War of the Rebellion- Address before Commandery of New York, Third Series, 1907.pdf

Blanding, Stephen. Recollections of a Sailor Boy- Or - The Cruise of the Gunboat Louisiana, 1886.pdf

Bliss, George. Reminiscences of service in the First Rhode Island Cavalry (1878).pdf

Bloodgood, J. D. Personal reminiscences of the war (1893).pdf

Bloor, Alfred Letters from the army of the potomac.pdf

Boardman family papers.pdf

Boggs, William Robertson. Military reminiscences of Gen. Wm. R. Boggs, C.S.A. (1913).pdf

Boies, Andrew J. Record of the Thirty-third Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, from Aug. 1862 to Aug. 1865 (1880).pdf

Bolton, Horace. Personal reminiscences of the late war (1892).pdf

Bond, Christiana, Recollections of Robert E. Lee, The South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. 24,1925.pdf

Booth, Edwin. In war time. Two years in the confederacy and two years north. With many reminiscences of the days long before the war (1885).pdf

Booth, George W. Personal Reminiscences of a Maryland Soldier in the War Between the States, 1898.pdf

Bowman, Col. S. M. Sherman and his Campaigns, 1865.pdf

Bowman, T.H. Reminiscences of an ex-confederate soldier; or, Forty years on crutches (1904).pdf

Boyce, Charles W. A Brief History of the Twenty-Eighth Regiment New York State Volunteers, 1896.pdf

Boyden, Anna. War reminiscences- a record of Mrs. Rebecca R. Pomroy's experience in war-times.pdf

Boyle family papers.pdf

boyles Reminiscences of the Civil War.pdf

Boynton, Henry V. Sherman's Historical Raid - The Memoirs - Based upon compilations from the files in the War Office, 1875.pdf

Bradley, George S. The star corps; or Notes of an army chaplain, during Sherman's famous march to the sea. (1865).pdf

Braun, Herman. Andersonville, A Critical Sketch, 1892.pdf

Braxton Bragg papers.pdf

Brayton, Mary Clark. Our acre and its harvest. Historical sketch of the Soldiers' Aid Society of Northern Ohio (1869).pdf

Brearley, William. Recollections of the East Tennessee campaign - battle of Campbell Station, 16th Nov., 1863, siege of Knoxville, 17th Nov.-5th Dec., 1863 (1871).pdf

Brinkerhoff, Roeliff. Recollections of a lifetime (1904).pdf

Britton, Wiley. Memoirs of the rebellion on the border, 1863 (1882).pdf

Brockett, L. P. Men of our day.pdf

Brockett, L. P. Our great captains. Grant, Sherman, Thomas, Sheridan, and Farragut (1866).pdf

Brown family papers.pdf

Brown, Augustus Cleveland. The diary of a line officer (1906).pdf

Brown, Philip F. Reminiscences of the War of 1861-1865, 1912.pdf

Brown, Spencer Kellogg. Spencer Kellogg Brown, his life in Kansas and his death as a spy, 1842-1863- as disclosed in his diary (1903).pdf

Browne, Frederick W. My service in the U.S. colored cavalry - a paper read before the Ohio Commandery of the Loyal Legion, March 4, 1908 (1908).pdf

Browne, Samuel T. et al. , Series I, 1881.pdf

Browne, Samuel T. et al. , Series IV, n. 1-10, 1881.pdf

Browne, Samuel T. et al. , Series IV, n. 11-20, 1881.pdf

Browne, Samuel T. et al. , Series II, n. 1-11 1881.pdf

Browne, Samuel T. et al. , Series II, n. 11-20, 1881.pdf

Browne, Samuel T. et al. , Series III, n. 1-10, 1889.pdf

Browne, Samuel T. et al. , Series III, n. 11-20, 1889.pdf

Browne, Samuel T. et al. , Series V, n. 1-10, 1889.pdf

Browne, Samuel T. et al. , Series VI, 1889.pdf

Browne, Samuel T. et al. , Series VII, 1889.pdf

Brownlow, William. Parson Brownlow, and the Unionists of East Tennessee- with a sketch of his life .pdf

Brownlow, William. Sketches of the rise, progress, and decline of secession - with a narrative of personal adventures among the rebels (1862).pdf

Browse diaries offline.pdf

Bruce Elmore.pdf

Bruno Trombly Diary and Records, 1866.pdf

Buehler, Fannie. Recollections of the Rebel Invasion and One Woman's Experience During the Battle of Gettysburg, 1900.pdf

Buell, Augustus C. The Cannoneer or Recollections of Service in the Army of the Potomac, 1890.pdf

Buell, P. L. The poet soldier. A memoir of the worth, talent and patriotism of Joseph Kent Gibbons, who fell in the service of his country during the great rebellion (1868).pdf

Bugle Notes from Dixie - Personal Recollections of a Confederate Cavalryman, The National Tribune, Feb 14, 1901.pdf

Bunker, Christopher Wren. Christopher Wren Bunker letters, 1863-1864 (1863).pdf

Burge, Dolly Sumner. A woman's wartime journal(1918).pdf

Burgwyn, William. William H. S. Burgwyn Diary, August 1, 1862 - March 2, 1863.pdf

Burgwyn, William. William H. S. Burgwyn Diary, January 21, 1864 - September 28, 1864.pdf

Burgwyn, William. William H. S. Burgwyn Diary, September 29, 1864-March 11, 1865.pdf

Burr, Fearing. The town of Hingham, Massachusetts in the late Civil War with sketches of its soldiers and sailors (1876).pdf

Butler, Benjamin F. Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benj. F. Butler, Butler's Book, 1892.pdf

By a Good Templar. Recollections of a checkered life,(1868).pdf

By an English Combatant. Battle-fields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh ; with sketches of the Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps (1864) - vols 1&2.pdf

Byron M. Cutcheon Autobiography 1883-1888 of Civil War experiences 1862-1865.pdf

C.P. Lacey diary, 1864.pdf

C.T. Kimmel.pdf

Cain, S.J.B. Reminiscences - The last days of war in Ashville, written by S. J. B. Cain..pdf

California Civil War diary of an Unknown Soldier, 1862-1863.pdf

Calvin Leach Diary and Letters, 1861-1867.pdf

Calvin Leach Diary, 1861-1863 vol. 1.pdf

Calvin Leach Diary, 1861-1863 vol. 2.pdf

Calvin Leach Diary, 1861-1863 vol. 3.pdf

Cammack, John H. Personal Reminiscences of Private John Henry Cammack, 1920.pdf

Camp Life of a Confederate Boy, of Bratton's Brigade, Longstreet's Corps, C. S. A..pdf

Camp Morton 1861-1865, Indianapolis Prison Camp.pdf

Camp, field and prison life.pdf

Campaigns of a non-combatant, and his romaunt abroad during the war.pdf

Campbell, Edward L. Historical Sketch of the Fifteenth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 6th Corps, 1880.pdf

Campbell, John Archibald. Recollections of the evacuation of Richmond, April 2d, 1865 (1880).pdf

Campbell, John Archibald. Reminiscences and documents relating to the Civil War during the year 1865 (1887).pdf

Cannon, Le G.B. Recollections of the Iron Clads, Monitor and Merrimac, and Incidents of the Fights, 1875.pdf

Cannon, Le Grand B. Personal reminiscences of the Rebellion, 1861-1866 (1895).pdf

Captured by Mosby's Guerillas - An Exciting Narrative by Brevet Major Charles Brewster..pdf

Cardozo, J.N. Reminiscences of Charleston, (1866).pdf

Carey's record of the great rebellion.pdf

Carlos Colby letters, 1862-1864.pdf

Carrie Berry.pdf

Carter, Howell. A Cavalryman’s Reminiscences of the Civil War, 1900.pdf

Casler, John O. Four Years in the Stonewall Brigade, 1906.pdf

Castle, Henry The army mule and other war sketches.pdf

Castleman, Alfred L. The Army of the Potomac-Behind the Scenes, 1863.pdf

Cavanagh, Michael. Memoirs of Gen. Thomas Francis Meagher, lectures and miscellaneous writings, including personal reminiscences , 1892.pdf


Chamberlaine, Captain William W. Memoirs of the Civil War, 1912.pdf

Chapin family papers, 1862-1870.pdf

Charles A. James Martin family papers, 1864.pdf

Charles A. Rubright.pdf

Charles Arad Gates letters, 1861-1863.pdf

Charles B. Haydon - Diaries, April 3 - May 18, 1862 [Folder 12].pdf

Charles B. Haydon - Diaries, April 30 - June 9, 1861 [Folder 1].pdf

Charles B. Haydon - Diaries, August 17 -August 31, 1861 [Folder 4].pdf

Charles B. Haydon - Diaries, December 30, 1861 - January 14, 1862 [Folder 10].pdf

Charles B. Haydon - Diaries, December 6, 1863 - February 21, 1864 [Folder 14].pdf

Charles B. Haydon - Diaries, February 16 - April 3, 1862 [Folder 11].pdf

Charles B. Haydon - Diaries, July 27-August 16, 1861 [Folder 3].pdf

Charles B. Haydon - Diaries, June 11 - July 26, 1861 [Folder 2].pdf

Charles B. Haydon - Diaries, May 19, 1862 – February 8, 1864 [Folder 13].pdf

Charles B. Haydon - Diaries, November 30 -December 29, 1861 [Folder 9].pdf

Charles B. Haydon - Diaries, October 17 - November 28, 1861 [Folder 8].pdf

Charles B. Haydon - Diaries, October 4 - October 17, 1861 [Folder 7].pdf

Charles B. Haydon - Diaries, September 1 - September 19, 1861 [Folder 5].pdf

Charles B. Haydon - Diaries, September 20 - October 3, 1861 [Folder 6].pdf

Charles B. Haydon – Transcript of diaries April 30, 1861-January 24, 1863.pdf

Charles B. Haydon – Transcript of diaries , July 18-December 21, 1861.pdf

Charles Berry papers.pdf

Charles Brownpdf.pdf

Charles Butler – Correspondence, 1862-1864.pdf

Charles C. Nott - Sketches of the war a series of letters to the North Moore street school of New York.pdf

Charles C. Phillips Civil War diary and Signal Corps message book, 1864.pdf

Charles Cady letters, 1862-1864.pdf

Charles Carroll Gray Diary vol. 1.pdf

Charles Carroll Gray Diary vol. 2.pdf

Charles Carroll Gray Diary vol. 3.pdf

Charles Craver Pocket diary. 1861, Dec. 21 -- 1862, Dec. 23.pdf

Charles Craver Pocket diary. 1862-1864.pdf

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Civil War Diary of Sumner Ansel Holway 1st ME Cavalry 1863.pdf

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Diary kept by Alpheus Baker in 1862, while serving in the 1st and 54th Alabama Infantry regiments.pdf

Diary kept by Charles Jacob Armstrong in 1863, while serving in Company C of the 33rd Alabama Infantry (part of the Army of Tennessee)..pdf

Diary kept by Charles Lumsden in 1863, while serving as captain of Lumsden's Battery..pdf

Diary kept by Charles Whipple Hadley.pdf

Diary kept by Elbert Decatur Willett while serving in the Pickens Planters, Company B of the 40th Alabama Infantry, during the Civil War..pdf

Diary kept by Henry F. Wilson while serving as a private in the Mobile Rifles, Company K of the 3rd Alabama Infantry, during the Civil War..pdf

Diary kept by Jackson S. Stuchal in 1861.pdf

Diary kept by James G. Hudson from May to October 1861, while serving as chaplain and treasurer of the Canebrake Guards, Company D of the 4th Alabama Infantry..pdf

Diary kept by James H. McMath while serving as a captain in Company G of the 11th Alabama Infantry during the Civil War..pdf

Diary kept by Washington Pickens Nance during the Civil War, while serving in Company I of the 10th Alabama Cavalry.pdf

Diary kept by William Lewis Roberts while serving in Company B of the 31st Alabama Infantry during the Civil War..pdf

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Diary of Jacob Andervount, Company A, 19th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Georgia.pdf

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Monie, John Miller. Reminiscences - John Miller Monie, 1st North Carolina Cavalry, Company H.pdf

Monteiro, Aristides. War reminiscences by the surgeon of Mosby's command (1890, [1899]).pdf

Montgomery, Franklin A. Reminiscences of a Mississippian in Peace and War, 1901..pdf

Moore, Frank. Heroes and martyrs .pdf

Moore, James. A complete history of the Great Rebellion.pdf

Morgan, James Morris. Recollections of a Rebel reefer (1917).pdf

Morgan's Men Under Duke – A narrative by George Dallas Mosgrove.pdf

Morhous, Henry C. Reminiscences of the 123d Regiment, N.Y.S.V., giving a complete history of its three years service in the war (1879).pdf

Morris Stuart Hall – Civil War documents.pdf

Morris Stuart Hall – Letters, 1863-1866.pdf

Morris Stuart Hall – Reminiscences.pdf

Morris W. Hackman Civil War Diary.pdf

Morrison, Jeremiah. Reminiscences- Jeremiah Morrison, 55th North Carolina Infantry, Company C.pdf

Morrow, Maud E. Recollections of the Civil War (1901).pdf

Morton, Charles. Opening of the Battle of Shiloh, MOLLUS-Ohio Commandery, War Paper no. 88, 1912.pdf

Mosby, John S. Mosby's War Reminiscences and Stuart's Cavalry Campaigns, 1887.pdf

Munson, John W. Reminiscences of a Mosby guerilla (1906).pdf

Musgrove, Richard W. Autobiography of Capt. Richard W. Musgrove, 1921..pdf

Myers, John C. A daily journal of the 192d reg't Penn'a volunteers in the service of the United States for one hundred days (1864).pdf

Myron Owen diary, 1864.pdf

Myron Underwood letters, 1862-1863.pdf

Myron Underwood letters, 1864-1865.pdf

N. N. Horton letters, 1857-1864.pdf

Nagle, Reminiscences of the Civil War.pdf

Nannie E. Haskins Diary, 1863-1917.pdf

Narrations of the military service of each of the members of Post 415 ( 1 of 2).pdf

Narrations of the military service of each of the members of Post 415 ( 2 of 2).pdf

Narrative of Amos E. Stearns member Co. A., 25th regt., Mass. Vols., a prisoner at Andersonville (1886).pdf

Narrative Of Andersonyille, Drawn From The Evidennce Elicited On The Trial Of Henry Wirz, The Jailer.pdf

Narrative of prison life at Baltimore and Johnson's Island, Ohio (1917).pdf

Narrative of privations and sufferings of United States officers & soldiers while prisoners of war.(1864).pdf

Narrative of the western theatre in the American Civil War.pdf

Nash, Charles. Biographical sketches of Gen. Pat Cleburne and Gen. T. C. Hindman (1898).pdf

Nathan S. Clark Diary 20th Maine.pdf

Nathan W. Daniels Diary Addition, scrapbook, 1863-1867.pdf

Nathan W. Daniels Diary Summaries and transcripts by C. P. Weaver; Folder 1.pdf

Nathan W. Daniels Diary Summaries and transcripts by C. P. Weaver; Folder 2.pdf

Nathan W. Daniels Diary Summaries and transcripts by C. P. Weaver; Folder 3.pdf

Nathaniel C. Wilson Civil War Letter and Diary, 1863.pdf

Nathaniel Rollins Gettysburg diary excerpts.pdf

Nathaniel Rollins Letter to Sen. Timothy O. Howe.pdf

Neel, James Carnie. Reminiscences - James Carnie Neel, 1st Regiment North Carolina Cavalry, Company F, 1861..pdf

Neil, Henry M. A battery at close quarters; a paper read before the Ohio commandery of the Loyal legion, October 6, 1909 (1909).pdf

Nelson Spicer Westcott 1864.pdf

Nelson Spicer Westcott 1865.pdf

Nelson Stauffer .pdf

Newcomb, Mary A. Four Years of Personal Reminiscences of the War, 1893.pdf

Newton, A. H. Out of the Briars- An Autobiography and Sketch of the Twenty-ninth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, 1910.pdf

Nichols, George Ward. The story of the Great March, from the diary of a staff officer (1865).pdf

Nichols, Isaac T. Historic days in Cumberland County, New Jersey, 1855-1865 - political and war time reminiscences (1907).pdf

Nicholson, J. W. Stories of Dixie (1915).pdf

Nimrod Porter Papers, 1819-1871 [Typed transcription of Volume 1].pdf

Nimrod Porter Papers, 1819-1871 [Typed transcription of Volume 2].pdf

Nimrod Porter Papers, 1819-1871 [Typed transcription of Volume 3].pdf

Nimrod Porter Papers, 1819-1871 [Typed transcription of Volume 4].pdf


Noel, Theophilus. Autobiography and reminiscences of Theophilus Noel (1904).pdf

North, Thomas. Five years in Texas, 1871.pdf

Northrop, Henry. Life and deeds of General Sherman, including the story of his great march to the sea .. (1891).pdf

Norton, Oliver Willcox. Army letters, 1861-1865. Being extracts from private letters to relatives and friends from a soldier in the field... (1903).pdf

Notes from a private soldier's diary.pdf

Nott, Charles C. Sketches in Prison Camps, 1865.pdf

Nott, Charles C. Sketches of War - Prison Camps, 1865.pdf

O.J. Benham.pdf

O.W. Lowe papers, 1860-1865.pdf

O'Brien, John Emmet. Telegraphing in Battle - Reminiscences of the Civil War, 1910.pdf

OHIO -Sketches_of_War_History_1861_1865 v1.pdf

OHIO -Sketches_of_War_History_1861_1865 v2.pdf

OHIO -Sketches_of_War_History_1861_1865 v3.pdf

OHIO -Sketches_of_War_History_1861_1865 v4.pdf

OHIO -Sketches_of_War_History_1861_1865 v5.pdf

OHIO -Sketches_of_War_History_1861_1865 v6.pdf

Oliver Boardman correspondence and journals, 1861-1863.pdf

Oliver Lyman Spaulding - Diaries, 1862-1863.pdf

Oliver Lyman Spaulding - Military Memoirs.pdf

Oliver Lyman Spaulding -Diaries, 1863 [Folder 5].pdf

Oliver Lyman Spaulding -Diaries, 1865.pdf

Olmstead, Charles H. The Memoirs of Charles Olmstesad.pdf

Olnhausen, Mary Phinney. Adventures of an army nurse in two wars; ed. from the diary and correspondence of Mary Phinney, baroness von Olnhausen (1903).pdf

Orendorff, H. H. et al. Reminiscences of the Civil War From Diaries of Members of the One Hundred and Third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, 1904..pdf

Orendorff, Henry. We are Sherman's men - the Civil War letters of Henry Orendorff (1986).pdf

Orlando Carpenter – Transcript of diary, 1864-1865.pdf

Oscar Hudson Crowder - 1.pdf

Oscar Hudson Crowder - 2.pdf

Oscar James Owen letters 1861 through 1864.pdf

Oscar James Owen, 1863 diary.pdf

Oscar James Owen, 1864 diary.pdf

Our army in the great rebellion. Heroes and battles of the war 1861-65.pdf

Our army nurses during our civil war.pdf

Owen Johnston Hopkins.pdf

Owen, Ira S. Greene County in the War, Being a History of the Seventy-Fourth Regiment, with Sketches of the Twelfth Ohio, 1872.pdf

Owen, Willliam Miller. In Camp and Battle with the Washington Artillery of New Orleans, 1885.pdf

Ozias Ruark .pdf

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Page, Richard Channing Moore. Sketch of Page’s Battery; or, Morris Artillery…., 1885.pdf

Pages from Sketches of war history, 1861-1865; papers read before the Ohio Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States,vol. 2 1883-19 (1888).pdf

Pages from Sketches of war history, 1861-1865; papers read before the Ohio Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States,vol. 4 1883-19 (1888)-2.pdf

Pages from Sketches of war history, 1861-1865; papers read before the Ohio Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States,vol. 4 1883-19 (1888).pdf

Paine, Lewis. Six years in a Georgia prison. Narrative of Lewis W. Paine, who suffered imprisonment six years in Georgia.pdf

Paisley family diary, 1864.pdf

Palfrey, Francis Winthrop. Memoir of William Francis Bartlett, 1878.pdf

Palmer, John M. Personal Recollections of John M. Palmer. The Story of an Earnest Life, 1901.pdf

Palmer, William Jackson. Letters, 1853-1868 (1906).pdf

Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Volume 1.pdf

Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Volume 10.pdf

Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Volume 11.pdf

Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Volume 12.pdf

Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Volume 13.pdf

Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Volume 14.pdf

Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Volume 2.pdf

Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Volume 3.pdf

Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Volume 4.pdf

Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Volume 5.pdf

Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Volume 6.pdf

Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Volume 7.pdf

Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Volume 8.pdf

Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Volume 9.pdf

Papers of Tilton C. Reynolds, 1851-1963.pdf

Papers read before the Commandery of the State of Nebraska, Vol. 1, 1902.pdf

Papers read before the Minnesota commandery - fifth series.pdf

Papers read before the Minnesota commandery - first series.pdf

Papers read before the Minnesota commandery - third series.pdf

Papers read before the Minnesota commandery- fourth series.pdf

Papers read before the Minnesota commandery- second series.pdf

Papers read before the Minnesota commandery- sixth series.pdf

Parker, David B. A Chautauqua boy in '61 and afterward; reminiscences by David B. Parker.pdf

Parker, William Harwar. Recollections of a naval officer, 1841-1865 (1883).pdf

Parsons, Theophilus. Memoir of Emily Elizabeth Parsons. Published for the benefit of the Cambridge hospital (1880).pdf

Pasha, Hobart. Sketches from My Life, 1887.pdf

Patterson, Emanuel Arthur. Reminiscences- Emanuel Arrthur Patterson, 57th North Carolina Infantry, Company E.pdf

Patterson, Robert. A Narrative of the Campaign in the Shenandoah Valley in 1861, (1865).pdf

Patterson, William Clark. Reminiscences- William Clark Patterson, 33rd North Carolina Infantry, Company K.pdf

Pattison, Everett W. Some personal reminiscences of army life (1887).pdf

Paul Agalus McMichael Papers, 1852-1868.pdf

Paxton, Elisha Franklin. Memoir and Memorials, 1905.pdf

Pearson, Elizabeth. Letters from Port Royal written at the time of the Civil War (1906).pdf

Peck, R. H. Reminiscences of a Confederate Soldier, of Co. C, 2nd Virginia Cavalry, 1913.pdf

Peck, William. The M'Donalds, or, The ashes of southern homes - a tale of Sherman's march , 1867.pdf

Peet, Frederick Tomlinson. Civil war letters and documents of Frederick Tomlinson Peet (1917).pdf

Pennock Huey 1862 diary excerpt with entries dated March 31 through August 18.pdf

Pennock Huey's diary dated August 26 through December 8, 1864.pdf

Pepper, George W. Personal Recollections of Sherman's Campaigns in Georgia and the Carolinas, 1866.pdf

Perritt, Thomas. Reminiscences - Thomas Perritt, 26th North Carolina infantry, Company G..pdf

Perry P. Powell diary 1865.pdf

Perry, John Gardner. Letters from a surgeon of the Civil War, (1906).pdf

Personal and historical sketches and facial history of and by members of the Seventh regiment Michigan volunteer cavalry, 1862-1865.pdf

Personal Memoirs of John Hill Brinton, Major and Surgeon U.S.V., 1861-1865, 1914.pdf

Personal notes and reminiscences of Lincoln (1896).pdf

Personal recollections and impressions of Abraham Lincoln (1927).pdf

Personal recollections of Chickamauga. A paper read before the Ohio commandery of the Military order of the loyal legion of the United States (1886).pdf

Personal recollections of the war. A record of service with the Ninety-third New York Vol. Infantry.pdf

Personal reminiscences and experiences- campaign life in the Union Army from 1862 to 1865 (1900).pdf

Personal reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln (1910).pdf

Personal reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln (1924).pdf

Personal reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln (1928).pdf

Personal reminiscences of the war of 1861-5; in camp--en bivouac--on the march--on picket--on the skirmish line--on the battlefield--and in prison.pdf

Personal War Sketches of the members of Frank Lowry Post no. 157.pdf

Peter Ake.pdf

Phelps, Charles. Life and public services of General Ulysses S. Grant.pdf

Philander Smith.pdf

Philetus R. Weydemeyer.pdf

Philip C. Shaffner and Robert H. Ward 1862 Civil War diary, and 1869 accounts, 1862-1869..pdf

Philip Doremus.pdf

Philip H. Conard diary, 1864-1865.pdf

Philip Van Buskirk.pdf

Pierce, Edward. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner, Vol. 1, 1811-1838 (1877).pdf

Pierce, Edward. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner, Vol. 2, 1838-1845 (1893).pdf

Pierce, Edward. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner, Vol. 3, 1845-1860 (1894).pdf

Pierce, Edward. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner, Vol. 4, 1860-1874 (1893).pdf

Pike, James Shepherd. First blows of the Civil War.pdf

Pinckney Rayburn Young - Reminiscences - 25th North Carolina Infantry Company I..pdf

Poague, William Thomas. Gunner with Stonewall - Reminiscences of William Thomas Poague, 1957.pdf

Pocket Diary 1863.pdf

Pocket diary of Lieutenant Colonel Calvin N. Otis.pdf

Pocket diary of Thomas Jefferson Campbell.pdf

Pollard, Edward Alfred. Life of Jefferson Davis - with a seceret history of the Southern Confederacy, gathered behind the scenes in Richmond (1869).pdf

Pollard, Edward Alfred. The Seven days' battles in front of Richmond.pdf

Pollard, Edward Alfred. The southern spy. Letters on the policy and inauguration of the Lincoln war (1861).pdf

Polley, J. B. A Soldier’s Letters to Charming Nellie, 1908.pdf

Porter, David D. Incidents and anecdotes of the civil war (1885).pdf

Porter, David D. Memoir of Commodore David Porter, USN, 1875.pdf

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Post, Lydia Minturn, ed. Soldiers’ Letters from Camp, Battle-field, and Prison, 1865.pdf

Potter, William Warren. Reminiscences of field-hospital service with the Army of the Potomac (1889).pdf

Powe, James. Reminiscences & sketches of Confederate times (1909).pdf

Powers, Elvira J. Hospital pencillings.pdf

Preston Hussey Daily pocket diary for the year 1860.pdf

Preston Hussey Daily pocket diary for the year 1862.pdf

Price, William Newton. One year in the civil war; a diary of the events from April 1st, 1864, to April 1st, 1865 (1900).pdf

Prison Diary of Creed T. Davis.pdf

Prison diary of Michael Dougherty.pdf

Prison Experiences - An Unpublished Narrative. .pdf

Prisoners for Life – Narrative by Colonel Theodore F. Allen, 7th Ohio, one of the captives..pdf

Private Daniel.pdf

Pryor, Sara Agnes Rice. Reminiscences of peace and war (1904).pdf

Putnam, Elizabeth Cabot. Memoirs of the war of '61. Colonel Charles Russell Lowell, friends and cousins (1920).pdf

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Quincy, Samuel. A Prisoner's Diary - History of the Second Massachusetts Regiment of Infantry, 1882.pdf

Quiner Scrapbooks - Correspondence of the Wisconsin Volunteers, 1861-1865, Volume 2.pdf

Quiner Scrapbooks - Correspondence of the Wisconsin Volunteers, 1861-1865, Volume 4.pdf

Quiner Scrapbooks - Correspondence of the Wisconsin Volunteers, 1861-1865, Volume 1.pdf

Quiner Scrapbooks - Correspondence of the Wisconsin Volunteers, 1861-1865, Volume 10.pdf

Quiner Scrapbooks - Correspondence of the Wisconsin Volunteers, 1861-1865, Volume 3.pdf

Quiner Scrapbooks - Correspondence of the Wisconsin Volunteers, 1861-1865, Volume 5.pdf

Quiner Scrapbooks - Correspondence of the Wisconsin Volunteers, 1861-1865, Volume 6.pdf

Quiner Scrapbooks - Correspondence of the Wisconsin Volunteers, 1861-1865, Volume 7.pdf

Quiner Scrapbooks - Correspondence of the Wisconsin Volunteers, 1861-1865, Volume 8.pdf

Quiner Scrapbooks - Correspondence of the Wisconsin Volunteers, 1861-1865, Volume 9.pdf

Quiner, Emilie. Emilie Quiner's Diary, 1861-1863.pdf

R. Alfred Allen.pdf

Rachel Carter Craighead.pdf


Rahm, Frank H. Reminiscences of his capture and escape from prison and adventures within the federal lines (1895).pdf

Ramsay, T.N. Sketches of the great battles in 1861, in the Confederate States of America. Sumter. Also sketches of Jefferson Davis and A.H. Stephens (1861).pdf

Ransom, John L. Andersonville Diary, escape and list of the dead with name, Co., regiment, date of death, 1881.pdf

ranson Reminiscences of the Civil War by a Confederate Staff Officer.pdf

Ray, Benjamin. The old battle flags ... Veteran soldiers' souvenir. Containing a brief historical sketch of each Connecticut regiment, the various engagements.pdf

Ray, Neill W. Sketch of the Sixth Regiment, North Carolina State Troops,nd.pdf

Reagan, John H. Memoirs, with special reference to secession and the Civil War (1906).pdf

Recollections of a checkered life, by a Good Templar. Napanee, Ontario, S. T. Hammond [Toronto, Printed by Robertson & Cook, 1868] .pdf

Recollections of a naval life, including the cruises of the Confederate States steamers, Sumter and Alabama (1900).pdf

Recollections of a private. A story of the Army of the Potomac 1890.pdf

Recollections of Alexander H. Stephens; his diary kept when a prisoner at Fort Warren, Boston Harbour, 1865 (1910).pdf

Recollections of Alexander H. Stephens; his diary kept when a prisoner at Fort Warren, Boston Harbour, 1865.pdf

Recollections of President Lincoln (1917).pdf

Recollections of the fall and summer campaign of the 14th Regiment Indiana Volunteers.pdf

Record of the Ninety-Fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion. Prepared by a Committee of the Regiment. .pdf

Reed Diary, 1864.pdf

Reed, Erasmus. Civil War letters of Erasmus W. Reed, company B, 9th Pennsylvania infantry, 1861-1864 (1861).pdf

Reed, Thomas Benton. A Private in Gray - Narrative of a soldier who served in the Army of Northern Virginia(1905).pdf

Reichardt, Theodore. Diary of Battery A, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, 1865..pdf

Reminiscences of a boy in blue, 1862-1865.pdf

Reminiscences of a soldier's wife.pdf

Reminiscences of Aurelius T. Bartlett, 1890.pdf

Reminiscences of Chicago during the civil war (1914)..pdf

Reminiscences of Company H, First Arkansas Mounted Rifles, Arkansas, Post-Dispatch Print., 1897..pdf

Reminiscences of gunboat life in the Mississippi squadron.pdf

Reminiscences Of The Chattanooga Campaign. .pdf

Reminiscences of the Civil War- Andersonville.pdf

Reminiscences of the Civil War, - Andersonville.pdf

Reminiscences of the Civil War.pdf

Reminiscences of the Old Navy.pdf

Reminiscences- A Story of Stoneman’s Raid, a Time of Terror to two Women, written by Miss E. L. R..pdf

Reminiscences- Abel Peterson Rhyne, 49th North Carolina Infantry, Company H..pdf

Reminiscences- George Turner, 61st North Carolina Infantry, Comapany E..pdf

Reminiscences- Jasper L. Wallace, 23rd North Carolina Infantry, Company H..pdf

Reminiscences- Selected passages from letters and files of the 1st North Carolina Infantry Regiment (1861 May-Nov.).pdf



Reuben McArthur, Letters 1862–64.pdf

Reverend H. Clavreul Diary.pdf

Reynolds, Samuel H. Diary 1892-1977, (1917).pdf

Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, Series 1, no. 1-10, 1885.pdf

Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, Series 2, no. 1-10, 1885.pdf

Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, Series 2, no. 11-20, 1885.pdf

Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, Series 3, no. 1-10, 1885.pdf

Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, Series 3, no. 11-20, 1885.pdf

Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, Series 4, no. 1-10, 1891.pdf

Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, Series 4, no. 11-20, 1891.pdf

Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, Series 5, no. 1-10, 1885.pdf

Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, Series 6, no. 1-10, 1903.pdf

Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, Series 7, no. 1-10, 1885.pdf

Rhyne, Abel Peterson. Reminiscences - Abel Peterson Rhyne, 49th North Carolina Infantry, Company H..pdf

Rice, Allen Thorndike, ed. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln by Distinguished Men of His Time., 1888.pdf

Richard A. Watts, Reminiscence undated.pdf

Richard Cutts Shannon Civil War diary Volume 1 (Jan-Sept 1862).pdf

Richard Cutts Shannon Civil War diary Volume 2 (August-November.pdf

Richard Cutts Shannon Civil War diary Volume 2a (September 1863.pdf

Richard G. Woodson Papers, 1862-1865.pdf

Richard H. Adams.pdf

Richards, Caroline Cowles. Village life in America, 1852-1872, including the period of the American Civil War as told in the diary of a school-girl (1913).pdf

Richards, Henry. Letters of Captain Henry Richards of the Ninety-third Ohio Infantry, 1893.pdf

Richards, Louis. Eleven days in the militia during the war of the rebellion; being a journal of the Emergency campaign of 1862 (1883).pdf

Riddle, A. G. Recollections of war times; reminiscences of men and events in Washington , 1860-1865 (1895).pdf

Robert A. Boyd Diary.pdf

Robert Armstrong.pdf

Robert Augustus Moore Diary (Volume 1).pdf

Robert Augustus Moore Diary (Volume 2).pdf

Robert Augustus Moore Diary (Volume 3).pdf

Robert Bingham Diary, Volume 1 June-October 1863 (Transcription).pdf

Robert Bingham Diary, Volume 1 June-October 1863.pdf

Robert Boyd papers.pdf

Robert Brethschneider Papers, 1861-1863.pdf

Robert Crouse - Letters 1863.pdf

Robert Crouse - Letters 1864.pdf

Robert E. Lee Letters1.pdf

Robert E. Lee Letters2.pdf

Robert E. Lee Letters3.pdf

Robert E. Lee Letters4.pdf

Robert Emmet Corry Letters.pdf

Robert Garlick Hill Kean.pdf

Robert H. Bollman Diary Transcript.pdf

Robert H. Bollman Diary.pdf

Robert J. Moyle letters, 1862-1906.pdf

Robert M. Lusher diary, 1862.pdf

Robert M. Lusher diary, 1863-1864.pdf

Robert M. Lusher diary, 1863.pdf

Robert Memminger Campbell civil war diary, 10 May 1862 - 26 July 1862.pdf

Robert P. Goodman.pdf

Robert S. Martin.pdf

Robert Sedgwick Edwards.pdf

Robert T. Wood papers, 1863-1865, 1879.pdf

Robins, Edward. William T. Sherman (1905).pdf

Robinson, Benjamin. Dolores - a tale of disappointment and distress. Compiled, arranged and edited from the journal, letters, and other mss. of Roland Vernon, esq., 1868.pdf

Rockwell, A. D. Rambling Recollections- An Autobiography, 1920..pdf

Rodenbough, Theo. F. The Army of the United States - Historical Sketches of Staff and Line with portraits of Generals-in-chief, 1896.pdf

Roemer, Jacob. Reminiscences of the war of the rebellion 1861-1865 (1897).pdf

Rogers, Edward H. Reminiscences of military service in the Forty-third regiment, Massachusetts infantry, during the great Civil war, 1862-63 (1883).pdf

Rollins, Rachel, After the Battle of the Wilderness. Letters from a Hospital, Atlantic Monthly Volume 0037(May 1876).pdf

Ropes, Henry. Civil War letters of Henry Ropes - manuscript, 1859-1863, Vol. 1 (1859).pdf

Ropes, Henry. Civil War letters of Henry Ropes - manuscript, 1859-1863, Vol. 2 (1859).pdf

Ropes, Henry. Civil War letters of Henry Ropes - manuscript, 1859-1863, Vol. 3 (1859).pdf

Rosanna Covey Hulbert papers, 1861-1865.pdf

Rose, Victor M. Ross’ Texas Brigade- A Narrative of Events Connected with Its Services in the Late War Between the States, 1887..pdf

Rosendale Squad - Being a Narrative of Varied Service with the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry.pdf

Roster and sketches of the several military companies which were in regular service of the Confererate States during the Civil War from Yazoo County, Miss..pdf

Rouse, E.S.S. The Bugle Blast, or, Spirit of the Conflict - Comprising Naval and Military exploits, Dashing Raids, Heroic deeds, Thrilling Incidents, Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., etc. (1864).pdf

Rowe, David W. A Sketch of the 126th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1869.pdf

Roy, Andrew. Recollections of a prisoner of war (1909).pdf

Royall, William Lawrence. Some reminiscences (1909).pdf

Roysdon Roberson Etter Diary.pdf

Ruben Sweet diary transcript.pdf

Rufus B. Parkes.pdf

Rufus Dawes Diary vol. 2 (1862-63).pdf

Rufus Dawes Diary vol. 1 (1860-62).pdf

Rupp's Memorandum Book July 5-September 22 – 1864.pdf

Russell, Charles Wells, ed. The Memoirs of Colonel John S. Mosby, 1917.pdf

Russell, William Howard. My diary, North and South (1863)-one volume.pdf

S. Millett Thompson.pdf

S.H. Walkup Papers, Volume 1 Diary, 1 April 1862 - 29 March 1865 (typed transcription).pdf

S.H. Walkup, Original letters, 1860-1864.pdf

Sala, George Augustus. My diary in America in the midst of war, Vol. 1 (1865).pdf

Sala, George Augustus. My diary in America in the midst of war, Vol. 2 (1865).pdf

Sally Garrison.pdf

Samuel A. Agnew - Volume 8 - 12 September 1864-10 December 1865.pdf

Samuel Andrew Agnew - Volume 6 - 28 October 1861-4 April 1862.pdf

Samuel Andrew Agnew - Volume 7a - 5 April 1862-23 September 1863.pdf

Samuel Andrew Agnew - Volume 7b - 27 September 1863-November 1864.pdf

Samuel Andrew Agnew, 1833-1902 Diary, 1863-1864 [transcription].pdf

Samuel Bradbury papers, 1863-1865.pdf

Samuel Calvin letters, May-August 1864.pdf

Samuel Hall Diary, 1863.pdf

Samuel Heineken.pdf

Samuel Hollingsworth Stout papers 1863-1865.pdf

Samuel J. Gibson.pdf

Samuel P. Richards Diary 1860 Oct - 1864 June.pdf

Samuel P. Richards Diary 1865 May - 1869 November.pdf

Samuel P. Richards Diary July 1864 to April 1865.pdf

Samuel Stott.pdf

Samuel T. Dolen Diary, 1862-1865.pdf

Sands, B. F. reminiscences and journal jottings of nearly half a century of naval life (c1899).pdf

Sanitary Commission - Hospital transports, a memoir of the embarkation of the sick and wounded from the peninsula of Virginia in the summer of 1862 .pdf

Sarah Chamberlin Eccleston.pdf

Sarah Madison Taylor Johnson.pdf

Savannah Cadets – Part 1.pdf

Savannah Cadets – Part 2.pdf

Savannah Cadets – Part 3.pdf

Savannah Cadets – Part 4.pdf

Saxon, Elizabeth Lyle. A southern woman's war time reminiscences (1905).pdf

Schurz, Carl. The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz, Vol. 1 ,1907.pdf

Schurz, Carl. The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz, Vol. 2 ,1907.pdf

Schurz, Carl. The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz, Vol. 3 ,1907.pdf

Schwartz, Stephan. Twenty-two months a prisoner of war. A narrative of twenty-two months' imprisonment by the Confederates, in Texas,April, 1861, to February, 1863 (1892).pdf

Scott, Samuel W. History of the Thirteenth Regiment, Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry, 1903.pdf

Scott, Winfield. Memoirs of Lieut.-General Scott, LL. D (1864).pdf

Scouting in Tennessee, War Paper 69, Commandery of the District of Columbia, 1905.pdf

Scribner, Benjamin. How Soldiers Were Made, or, the War As I saw It under Buell, Rosecrans, Thomas, Grant and Sherman, 1887.pdf

Se Cheverell, J. Journal History of the Twenty-Ninth Ohio Veteran Volunteers, 1861-1865, 1883.pdf

Sea Tales from the Recollection of Rear Admiral Charles E. Clark, 1915.pdf

Senour, Faunt Le Roy. Major General William T. Sherman, and his campaign (1865).pdf

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Seth Maxwell Barton papers.pdf

Seward, Frederick W. Reminiscences of a War Time Statesman and Diplomat, 1916.pdf

Sewell Van Alstine.pdf

Seymour D. Carpenter.pdf

Seymour Howell - Civil War diary, 1864.pdf

Seymour Howell – Civil War discharge and military commissions, 1861-1865.pdf

Seymour Howell – Civil War Notebook.pdf

Seymour Howell – Civil War orders, 1864-1865.pdf

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