Petersburg - A Digital History Collection. This, the longest siege in American warfare, unfolded in a methodical manner. For nearly every attack the Union made around Petersburg another was made at Richmond and this strained the Confederate's manpower and resources. Through this strategy Grant's army gradually and relentlessly worked to encircle Petersburg and cut Lee's supply lines from the south. For the Confederates it was ten months of hanging on, hoping the people of the North would tire of the war. For soldiers of both armies it was ten months of rifle bullets, artillery, and mortar shells, relieved only by rear-area tedium, drill and more drill, salt pork and corn meal, burned beans and bad coffee.
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Petersburg on 32gb USB 29.95 Buy with PayPal
Newspaper samples:
Map Detail: Positions of the entrenched lines occupied by the Ninth Army Corps during the siege.
Map Detail: Positions of the opposing armies during the Siege of Petersburg.
Map Detail: Investment of Petersburg.
Map Detail: Battle of Chaffin’s Farm.
Photo Detail: Dismantling of the rebel forts after the storming of Petersburg.
Photo Detail: Fall of Petersburg.
Artwork Detail: Siege of Petersburg.
Flash Drive Cover Art
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